国际标准刊号(ISSN):1673-5110 国内统一刊号(CN):41-1381/R
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作者 / Author:许梦雅 朱庆华 贾艳露 陈素艳 姜 波 张振香

关键词 / KeyWords:

重度周围性面瘫,Rood 技术,面肌协调性训练,面神经功能,神经康复



许梦雅1朱庆华2贾艳露1陈素艳2姜 波3张振香2

1郑州大学第二附属医院,河南 郑州 450012

2郑州大学护理与健康学院,河南 郑州 450012

3巩义市人民医院,河南 巩义 450000



摘要目的 探讨 Rood 技术结合面肌协调性训练治疗重度周围性面瘫的疗效。方法 选取2017-06—2020-06 在郑州大学第二附属医院就诊的重度周围性面瘫患者 60 例,治疗组 30 例,对照组 30 例。对照组采用药物治疗、针灸、理疗等,治疗组采用 Rood 技术加面肌协调性训练,同时采取与对照组相同的治疗手段。总疗程 4~6 周,治疗结束后比较 2 House-BrackmannH-B面神经功能分级、Portmann 分。结果 治疗后H-B 分级:治疗组Ⅰ 级 8 26.7%,Ⅱ 级 16 53.3%,对照组 H-B 分级Ⅰ级 1 3.3%,Ⅱ级 12 40%,治疗组 H-B 分级变化幅度明显大于对照组P0.05。治疗后 Portmann 评分:治疗组17.2±2.7分,对照组12.7±3.2分,治疗组明显高于对照组P0.052 H-B 分级评分和Portmann 评分治疗前后比较差异有统计学意义P0.05结论 根据面部表情肌的解剖学走向,应用Rood 技术结合面肌协调性训练治疗重度周围性面瘫,可使面肌的主、被动运动更充分,传入大脑的感觉信号更具体,更有利于中枢对肌肉再支配的恢复,可促进面部表情肌肌张力恢复,促进运动控制能力的提高,提升疗效,缩短病程。

关键词】 重度周围性面瘫;Rood 技术;面肌协调性训练;面神经功能;神经康复

中图分类 R745.1 文献标识 A 文章编 1673-5110 2021 24-2168-08 DOI10.12083/SYSJ.2021.09.024

Rood technology combined with facial muscle coordination training in the treatment of severe facial paralysis

XU Mengya1ZHU Qinghua2JIA Yanlu1CHEN Suyan2JIANG Bo3ZHANG Zhenxiang2

1The Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou UniversityZhengzhou 450012China

2School of Nursing and HealthZhengzhou UniversityZhengzhou 450012China

3Peoples Hospital of GongyiZhengzhou 450000China

Abstract Objective To investigate the effect of Rood technique combined with facial muscle coordination training in the treatment of severe peripheral facial paralysis. Methods Sixty patients with severe peripheral facial paralysis in our hospital from June 2017 to June 2020 were randomly divided into treatment group and control group, 30 cases in the treatment group and 30 cases in the control group. The control group was treated with drug therapy, acupuncture and physiotherapy. The treatment group was treated with Rood technology and facial muscle coordination training, and the same treatment as the control group. The total course of treatment was 4-6 weeks. After treatment, House-BrackmannH-Bfacial nerve function grading and Portmann score were compared between the two groups. Results H-B grade after treatmentin the treatment group8 cases 26.7%were ingrade 16 cases53.3%were in grade and 1 case3.3%was in grade 12 cases40%were in grade Ⅱ in the control group. The change of H-B grade in the treatment group was significantly greater than that in the control groupP<0.05. Portmann score after treatment : the treatment group was17.2 ± 2.7pointsthe control group was12.3.2pointsthe treatment group was significantly higher than the control groupP<0.05there was significant difference in H-B grading score and Portmann score between the two groups before and after treat⁃ ment P<0.05. Conclusion According to the anatomical trend of facial expression muscle, the application of Rood technology combined with facial muscle coordination training in the treatment of severe peripheral facial pa⁃ ralysis. They can make the active and passive movement of facial muscle more fully, and the sensory signal transmitted to the brain more specific, which is more conducive to the recovery of central reinnervation of muscle. The tech⁃ nique cab promote the recovery of facial expression muscle tension, promote the improvement of motor control ability, improve curative effect and shorten the course of disease.

Key words Severe peripheral facial paralysisRood technologyFacial muscle coordination trainingFacial nerve functionNeurorehabilitation
