国际标准刊号(ISSN):1673-5110 国内统一刊号(CN):41-1381/R
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作者 / Author:辛志芳 李晓杰 程晓趁 李 波 李佳佳 李素芳

关键词 / KeyWords:



辛志芳 李晓杰 程晓趁 李佳佳 李素芳

焦作市第二人民医院,河南 焦作 454000

基金项目2020 年度河南省医学科技攻关计划联合共建项目编号:LHGJ202008272018 年度河南省医学科技攻关计划联合共建项目编号:2018020998;焦作市2019 年科技计划项目编号:20194816813



摘要目的 分析臂踝脉搏波传导速度BaPWV在缺血性脑卒中高危风险人群早期筛查中的临床意义及参考价值。方法 采用动脉硬化检测仪对2018-01—2020-12 在焦作市第二人民医院脑卒中筛查门诊开展对就诊人群进行脑卒中风险筛查,分析其高危风险因素。根据四分位法将测量BaPWV 的人群分成4 组,各临床指标与动脉硬化指标BaPWV 的相关性采用logistic 回归分析。结果 5 000 例筛查对象中筛查出有脑卒中高危风险者708 例;将动脉硬化检测仪所测得的BaPWV 四分位分组后,基线指标中年龄、身高、体质量、体重指数、血压、空腹血糖、糖化血红蛋白、总胆固醇、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇、三酰甘油、尿酸及同型半胱氨酸指标在Q1Q4 组间差异有统计学意义P0.05;二元多因素logistic 回归分析显示,性别、年龄、血压、同型半胱氨、尿酸酸与动脉硬化风险指标BaPWV 存在明显相关性。结论 大动脉血管壁的弹性和顺应性改变会促进动脉粥样硬化形成,增加脑卒中发病风险,采用动脉硬化检测仪定期进行脑卒中险筛查有助于早期发现动脉粥样硬化并预测脑血管功能健康状态。

关键词】 脑卒中;臂踝脉搏波传导速度;动脉硬化;高危风险;早期筛查

中图分类号R743.3 文献标识码A 文章编号1673-5110 202124-2176-08 DOI10.12083/SYSJ.2021.23.009

Application of brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity in early screening of high risk population for ischemic stroke

XIN ZhifangLI XiaojieCHENG XiaochenLI BoLI JiajiaLI Sufang The Second Peoples Hospital of JiaozuoJiaozuo 454000China

AbstractObjective To analyze the clinical significance and reference value of brachial-ankle pulse wave velocityBaPWVin early screening of high risk population for ischemic stroke. Methods The stroke risk screening was carried out in the stroke screening and follow-up clinic of Jiaozuo Second People’s Hospital from January 2018 to December 2020and the high risk factors were analyzed. According to the quartile methodthe people who measured BaPWV were divided into 4 groups. The correlation between clinical indexes and arterioscle⁃ rosis index BaPWV was analyzed by logistic regression analysis. Results Among 5000 screening population708 people with high risk of stroke were screened. After grouping the quartile of BaPWV measured by arteriosclerosis testerthere were significant differences in ageheightbody massbody mass indexblood pressurefasting blood glucoseglycosylated hemoglobintotal cholesterollow density lipoprotein cholesterolhigh density lipoprotein cholesteroltriglycerideuric acid and homocysteine between Q1-Q4 groups. The results of binary multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that sexageblood pressurehomocysteine and uric acid were significantly correlated with arteriosclerosis risk index BaPWV. Conclusion The changes of elasticity and compliance of large arteries can increase the risk of stroke. Regular stroke risk screening with arteriosclerosis detector is helpful to detect atherosclerosis early and predict the health status of cerebrovascular function.

Key wordsStrokeBrachial-ankle Pulse Wave VelocityArteriosclerosisHigh-risk riskEarly screening
