国际标准刊号(ISSN):1673-5110 国内统一刊号(CN):41-1381/R
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作者 / Author:包成政 李雪斌

包成政1 李雪斌2
1)右江民族医学院,广西 百色 533000 2)右江民族医学院附属医院,广西 百色 533000
摘要】 人类肠道菌群是由成千上万不同微生物组成的巨大菌落群体,可与大脑间形成相互交流、调节的双向通讯通道。现有研究表明肠道菌群与多种神经精神疾病间存在密切联系。肠道菌群可通过相关代谢产物影响神经系统,中枢神经系统也在调节胃肠道反应中发挥关键作用,通过调节肠道菌群及其代谢产物参与神经精神疾病的治疗成为现阶段研究热点。本文围绕现行肠道菌群在多种神经精神疾病中的最新研究成果展开综述,旨在归纳总结抑郁症、帕金森病、多发性硬化、阿尔茨海默病等多种神经精神疾病与肠道菌群间的联系,以期发现肠道菌群在神经精神疾病治疗方面的潜在价值,为现有神经精神疾病治疗方案予以补充、扩展。
关键词】 帕金森病;多发性硬化;阿尔茨海默病;抑郁症;肠道菌群;短链脂肪酸
中图分类号】 R74 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1673-5110 (2022) 05-0652-05
Research progress of intestinal flora and neuropsychiatric diseases
BAO Chengzheng1 ,LI Xuebin2
1)Youjiang Medical College for Nationalities,Baise 533000,China
2)Affiliated Hospital of Youjiang Medical College for Nationalities, Baise 533000, China
Corresponding author:LI Xuebin
【Abstract】 The human intestinal flora is a huge colony that composed of thousands of different microorganisms,which can form a two-way communication channel with the brain. Existing studies have shown that there is a close relationship between intestinal flora and various neuropsychiatric diseases. Intestinal flora can affect the nervous system through related metabolites,and the central nervous system also plays a key role in regulating gastrointestinal reactions. Regulating intestinal flora and its metabolites to participate in the treatment of neuropsychiatric diseases has become a research hotspot at present. This paper reviews the latest research results of intestinal flora in various neuropsychiatric diseases,aiming to summarize the relationship between intestinal flora and various neuropsychiatric diseases such as depression disorder,Parkinson’s disease,multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer’s disease,in order to discover the potential value of intestinal flora in the treatment of neuropsychiatric diseases. This paper helps to supplement and expand the existing treatment schemes for neuropsychiatric diseases.
【Key words】 Parkinson’s disease;Multiple sclerosis;Alzheimer’s disease;Depressive disorder;Intestinal flora;Short-chain fatty acids

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