国际标准刊号(ISSN):1673-5110 国内统一刊号(CN):41-1381/R
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作者 / Author:寇 洁 黄永慧 张红梅

寇 洁1 黄永慧2 张红梅1
1)河南省人民医院 河南大学人民医院 郑州大学人民医院,河南 郑州 450003
2)河南省人民医院 河南大学人民医院 郑州大学人民医院 河南省立眼科医院,河南 郑州 450003
摘要目的 调查社区老年脑卒中患者自我忽视水平、社会支持情况与生活质量现状,并探讨三者之间的相关性。方法 采用便利抽样法与整群抽样法相结合的方法,以 2021-01—2022-01 郑州市金水区 5 个社区的 263 例老年脑卒中患者为调查对象,使用一般资料调查问卷、老年人自我忽视评估量表、日常生活能力评估量表、Lubben 社交网络量表(LSNS-6)、世界卫生组织生活质量评定量表老年模块(WHOQOL-OLD)进行调查。结果 调查的 263 例社区老年脑卒中患者,自我忽视评估量表总得分(15.38±5.77)分,LSNS-6 总得分(17.19±4.05)分,WHOQOL-OLD 总得分(70.56±15.26)分。自我忽视、社会支持、生活质量三者 Pearson 相关分析显示,社区老年脑卒中患者自我忽视与社会支持、生活质量均为负相关,社会支持与生活质量之间呈正相关(P<0.01)。结论 老年脑卒中患者自我忽视水平、社会支持情况、生活质量现状三者之间有相关性,其中患者的自我忽视影响其生活质量,良好的社会支持可有效降低自我忽视水平,并提高其生活质量。
关键词】 脑卒中;老年人;自我忽视;社会支持;生活质量;相关性
中图分类号】 R473.74 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1673-5110 (2022) 05-0618-05
Correlation among self-neglect,social support and quality of life in elderly stroke patients
KOU Jie1 ,HUANG Yonghui2 ,ZHANG Hongmei1
1)Henan Provincial People’s Hospital/Henan University People’s Hospital/Zhengzhou University People’s Hospital,Zhengzhou 450003,China
2)Henan Provincial People’s Hospital/Henan University People’s Hospital/Zhengzhou University People’s Hospital/Henan Provincial Eye Hospital,Zhengzhou 450003,China
Corresponding autor:ZHANG Hongmei
AbstractObjective To investigate the level of self-neglect,social support and quality of life of elderly stroke patients in the community,and to explore the correlation between the three. Methods From January 2021 to January 2022,using a combination of convenience sampling method and cluster sampling method,263 elderly stroke patients in 5 communities in Jinshui District,Zhengzhou City were investigated. The questionnaires included general information questionnaire,self-neglect assessment scale for the elderly,activities of daily living scale(ADL),Lubben social network scale(LSNS-6),and World health organization quality of life instrument-older adults module(WHOQOL-OLD). Results Among the 263 elderly patients with stroke in the community,the total score of self-neglect assessment scale was(15.38±5.77)points,the total score of Lubben social network scale was(17.19±4.05)points,the total score of WHOQOL-OLD was(70.56±15.26)points. Pearson correlation analysis of self-neglect,social support,and quality of life showed that self-neglect was negatively correlated with social support and quality of life,and there was a positive correlation between social support and quality of life(P<0.01). Conclusion There is a correlation among self-neglect,social support and quality of life in elderly stroke patients in the community. The level of self-neglect of patients can affect their quality of life,and good social support can effectively reduce the level of self-neglect and improve quality of life.
Key words】 Stroke;Elderly;Self-neglect;Social support;Quality of life;Correlation

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