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作者 / Author:黄小群 廖小平

摘要 / Abstract:


关键词 / KeyWords:

黄小群  廖小平
上海市嘉定区安亭医院,上海 201805
摘要】  肠道菌群与人类健康和疾病的影响已经成为近年来研究工作者们关注的焦点,“菌群-肠-脑”轴的存在,使肠道菌群有效参与调控着机体的复杂的生理过程,而神经-免疫-内分泌系统的精密协调,使得肠道菌群进一步参与了中枢神经系统的调控,这已经在分子生物学中得到证实。患者如果长期处于抑郁状态,不但精神心理上备受摧残,而且机体功能也将受到严重影响,包括神经系统受损,内分泌功能紊乱,甚至还会造成肠道黏膜屏障功能的严重破坏,影响身心健康。研究发现肠道菌群失调与抑郁症有密切关系,补充肠道益生菌、调节肠道菌群可以改善抑郁状态。
关键词】  肠道菌群;抑郁症;“菌群-肠-脑”轴;益生菌;卒中后抑郁;双歧杆菌;中枢神经系统
中图分类号】  R749.41    【文献标识码】  A    【文章编号】  1673-5110(2019)01-0112-05  DOI:10.12083/SYSJ.2019.01.023
Research progress on the relationship between intestinal flora and depression
HUANG XiaoqunLIAO Xiaoping
Department of Internal MedicineAnting HospitalJiading DistrictShanghai 201805,China
Abstract】  The influence of intestinal flora and human health and disease has become a hot spot of research in recent years,More and more molecular biological evidence reveals that the intestinal microbial community not only participates in and regulates the physiological functions of the body,but also plays a important role in the regulation of higher nervous activity through the ”Flora-gut-brain” axis,which plays the role through neural-immuno-endocrine network regulation.The long-term depression of patients with depression can cause some damage to the body's nervous system,the endocrine system and the intestinal mucosal barrier function.The experimental study found that depression has a close relationship with intestinal microflora,while regulating intestinal flora and supplementing intestinal probiotics can improve depression.Therefore,we review the progress in the study of the correlation between intestinal flora and depression,looking for new targets for the treatment of depression.
Key words】  Intestinal microflora;Depression;”Flora-gut-brain” axis;Probiotics;Post-stroke depression;Bifidobacterium;Central nervous system
1  作用机制
2  抑郁状态下肠道菌群的改变
3  益生菌改善抑郁症状
4  肠道菌群移植可传播抑郁
5  肠道菌群与卒中后抑郁
        虽然卒中后抑郁症与功能性抑郁症在发病时间和病理生理基础上均不同,但两者在患病以后呈现的长期抑郁状态相同。卒中后抑郁大鼠大脑中的5-HT、多巴胺及肾上腺素的含量均明显降低,大肠杆菌或志贺杆菌属、颤克杆菌属、普雷沃菌属的含量明显的减少,大鼠脑内的单胺类神经递质的水平变化和肠道菌群构成的改变,参与了脑卒中之后抑郁大鼠的病情变化。通过利用Roche/45高通量测序平台对临床上卒中后抑郁病人的粪便标本中16S RNA V3区进行定量分析发现,卒中后抑郁患者的肠道菌群多样性与均衡性都有着明显的差异[48],Faecalibacterium等抗炎细菌数量明显减少,而致病性肠杆菌明显增多[49-50],这与既往文献里功能型抑郁患者的肠道微生物变迁情况类似。这为使用肠道微生物治疗卒中后抑郁提供了新的思路。
6  现状与展望
7  参考文献
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Reference information:HUANG Xiaoqun,LIAO Xiaoping.Research progress on the relationship between intestinal flora and depression[J].Chinese Journal of Practical Nervous Diseases,2019,22(1):112-116.DOI:10.12083/SYSJ.2019.01.023